Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Moshi With Love

For the first time, Caroline and I ventured to Moshi just the two of us. We were more than okay with making it another short trip; only taking Mama Suzanna and Joseph for lunch and playing with our baby a bit before leaving. We left what we thought would be enough money for the next little while and came back to Arusha. Tired and still full swing with my private pity party, I ate dinner and went to bed.

The next day was Saba Saba, or the seventh of July. It’s a farmers celebration day and most people don’t work. Feeling like I was most people, along with others in our house, stayed home for the day. Ana and I decided to be adventurous and make cinnamon buns. And an adventure it was. In the process of learning to make the buns, we also learned how to make corn syrup and brown sugar, as both are non-existent in Arusha. The three or so hour long process was absolutely delicious in the end. Ana and I are known as the African Betty Crocker’s.

Baking has been a pretty big part of our white-house-on-the -hill life. We’ve made everything from chocolate chip banana muffins to apple coffee cake and now were proud to add cinnamon buns to the ever growing list… and waistline.

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