Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Maji Moto

This weekend was a definite turning point for the better. The power was out all through Moshono (the area of Arusha Camp Moses is in) and the majority of the work I needed done was on the computer. I played with my kiddies, avoided any pee incidents, and left around noon.

Our house had planned on going on a big camping trip, and I was excited to get out of the house for the weekend. Meghan had come home from summiting Kilimanjaro the night before and we were set on making her last weekend in Africa a good one!

We got our bags together, made sure we had enough chocolate and graham crackers to see us through a few days, and boarded the dalla dalla. The whole way to the hot springs, Maji Moto (literally translated to ‘hot water’) we sang and sang and entertained the local that was driving us. Only eight of us went down on the Friday, as the rest didn’t want to stay over night. We pitched our tents and started a fire. Joseph, not my baby but our assistant cook at the house, came along with us to make our meals. Life of luxury indeed. Two of the four new volunteers joined us, and I really enjoyed getting to know them.

We spent the night talking and making s’mores around the campfire. It was really just what I needed to set me straight again and give myself a huge attitude adjustment.

The next day we ate breakfast, put on our swimsuits and dove into the hot springs. The water was warm and beautiful and just perfect. We swam and laughed and enjoyed the relaxation that Maji Moto brought us. The other group came around lunch time and by then we had already finished in the water. For the rest of the day, I took pictures and just hung out. This was the first time I’d just relaxed at somewhere other than Kigongoni Lodge or our house. It felt fantastic! We found a turtle and looked at fishies and just loved the day.

As the afternoon wore on, more mzungu’s from different groups in and around Arusha showed up. I grew happier and happier with my decision to have camped out the night before as I got my swimming done in the morning and didn’t feel rushed or obligated to do much of anything at all. The rest of the group all swam till three or four in the afternoon, then we packed up camp and drove away from our glorious weekend.

Sunday was Meghans last full day in Arusha. Our original five was going to lose it’s third member! Meghan and I spent the day doing all the fun things around Arusha. We went and bought her bus ticket to Dar es Salaam, then to the market to get some last minute souvenirs, of course to Africafe for one last piece of cake and then back to the house to let her finish packing. We went to the Japanese restaurant for dinner and made our way home. I had a really good time getting to know Meghan better and really enjoyed our last few days together. It was the perfect ending to a really refreshing weekend.

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