Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Friday, July 2, 2010

Catch Up!

After the long day with Bryson, all of us girls got a little dressed up and went to the mzungu hangout/bar Via Via. We danced and blew into vuvuzelas and had an overall great night. Ronnie only had to 'rescue' us on the dance floor a few times. We made it home by 2; overall a success.

The next morning no one was really up for work and I had a meeting in town, so we had a nice little sleep in before starting our days. I met with Jennifer (a previous volunteer) and we chit chatted a little more over what exactly went on at LOHADA and what really needed to be going on. Bottom line, I've got a lot of work to do.

After our meeting, the other girls I room with came and joined me for brunch. We sat around for a few hours then headed home. After dinner we all decided a movie would be a good way to end the day, and the week. We went and saw Date Night; movies here come out around 2 months later than they do at home... Looks like Sex and the City 2 will have to wait for the flight home.

On Saturday most of the house headed off to climb a volcano. It's about three hours outside of Arusha and has the coldest lava of any volcano in the world. I'm saving this trip for when my mother, the geography teacher, gets here!

While everyone was away, we relaxed. Saturday we did some souvenir shopping and had our favorite meal for dinner; chapati. After dinner, we went to Cassie's orphanage, armed with popcorn and pringles, for a Disney movie night. The kids were ecstatic and we left them all sugared up and ready for bed. Back at our house, Andrea and I watched the Lion King. It's crazy how accurate it really is! Props to you, Walt.

Sunday was an even lazier day that Saturday. We went to Africafe (pretty clever) for brunch and then lounged around home for a while. Andrea and Cassie, with the other two girls who didn't go hiking, went to Kigongoni Lodge, and I stayed at home. This was the first time I was actually all alone in two months.

When the girls got back, we had breakfast for dinner and devoured the baking I had done earlier in the day. Andrea and I opted for another Disney classic after dinner; The Little Mermaid. This weekend of relaxing was definitely needed, as we all had big weeks ahead of us. Andrea and Marlee would be attempting to summit Mt Kilimanjaro and Cassie and I were headed to Zanzibar.

Wooo, I'm almost all caught up now! This last little while has been crazy and has definitely opened my eyes to a whole new side of Africa, and myself! More on that later, as well as my trip to Zanzibar and Moshi!

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