Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Friday, July 23, 2010

Keepin On Keepin On

Wednesday, Caroline was sick and didn’t make it into work, leaving it to be just Juliet and I and some new Danish volunteers at the office. I went to go talk to her about how soon my family was coming, and it ended up turning into one of the best conversations we have had. All of the miscommunications from the past were brought into the open and we realized that that is just what they were. I explained the work I had been doing and what I was planning on doing for the rest of my time here. We finally understood where each other were coming from.

We both saw how important the children are to us and that we want the saw things for them. I’m ecstatic of how things have worked out. The confidence that I had been lacking in all of the work I was doing has been restored. I went home and new that something had changed for me. I didn’t believe it was possible, but I started to love Africa and Tanzania and Arusha and my life here even more.

The next day I woke up feeling really cruddy. I was still excited about the previous days success, but had a nasty cold. I made it to work in the morning but didn’t last long. There was a new family from the states at the orphanage taking pictures and doing videos, along with 3 Danish volunteers. They all looked at me like I was walking dead, and to be honest that’s how I felt. I really didn’t want to risk getting the kids sick and I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to stay awake, so at 11 I headed home. I got back to the white house, tucked myself into bed and slept until 4 that afternoon. The house was strangely empty, as 6 people had left the day before to go to Zanzibar. I had dinner, and went back to bed, hoping I’d wake up the next day feeling better.

Friday was Marlee’s last day in Arusha. I woke up but still felt crummy, so stayed in bed. I managed to climb out to go for lunch with the girls, but didn’t last long after that. I said goodbye to Marlee, and was left the last of the original five. I had the room to myself! After sleeping with so many people in the same room for so long it was more than strange to be the last one standing.

I started feeling better after dinner, and the new girls and I had a nice and relaxing in night. We made banana splits and pineapple banana muffins and read Cosmopolitan magazines and just had a great girls night. I was finally starting to get to know the people in my house better, and I was happy about the way everything was going. All I needed was to feel better and life would be perfect!

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