Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Friday, July 23, 2010

Good Vibrations

As a team, we decided that we just wanted a relaxing weekend. We slept in Saturday morning, and then did a workout video on the balcony. Our cleaning lady thought we were crazy as we kicked and sweated our way through P90X cardio.

We all showered and got dressed and headed to town to do some exploring. Not all of the ‘new girls’ knew their way around town so we showed them all of the ins and outs. We had a great salad for lunch and had finished our exploring just in time to make it home for dinner.

After dinner, I was exhausted. It was the first day in a loooong time that I hadn’t had a nap. We agreed as a team that we’d have a quick nap after dinner then go down the street for karaoke. Eight thirty we went down for our nap, and I didn’t get back up until morning. The rest of the girls went out and had a great time. I was just excited when I woke up Sunday morning and wasn’t sick anymore!

Ronnie came home from Uganda on Sunday and made us delicious French toast for breakfast. We gorged ourselves on that and fruit then decided it was the perfect day to go to Kigongoni Lodge. We laid by the pool until five in the evening, then went for Indian food. Delicious to say the least!

The group in the house right now is what has changed my attitude so drastically. The general mentality is so positive and open and it’s infectious. I love being around them and am really happy with the way everything is working out!

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