Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Itty Bitty

Caroline and I were finally at work on the same day! We hadn’t seen each other in almost a week and had so much to catch up on. We spent the day chit chatting and playing with the kids. It was the American family’s last day in Tanzania and LOHADA said their goodbye’s to them.

It was also meat and bread day. I went with Mama Wambura’s son, Jacob, (Soooooo many ‘J’ names here!) to pick them up. We got the meat, and went to get the bread but they were closed. On the way back, Jacob pulled over and said “okay, go slow” and got out of the car. I did the same and climbed into the drives seat! I was really driving in Africa!!!! I drove all the way back to Camp Moses and didn’t even crash! Go me!

After lunch we all piled into the car again and Jacob insisted I drive again as I had done so well the first time. The other girls weren’t too sure but played along. I did great all the way to the bread place and then all the way into town! I dropped them off at different places and handed the keys back over to Jacob. Such an exciting day!

I met with Meryl and Lauren at McMoody’s before going home. We had banana stew for dinner, then got a text from the b-boys to meet them at Via Via again. All of the crew that went to Zanzibar was home and a lot of us went to meet ‘the boys’. We had a few drinks and lots of laughs and I decided I never want to leave! Knowing how soon my family was coming made everything seem so much better. I truly love this place and when my family gets here, there won’t be much at all that I’m missing.

At home, Ronnie gave us bitty names… I’m officially Itty Bitty.

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