Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vancouver to Nairobi

Goodbye's are never easy, and this trip was no exception. I managed to hold it together until I had to say goodbye to mom at YVR Wednesday night. It was then that it hit me how long fifteen weeks really is. I cried and cried and sniffled and moped as I made my way through customs, getting and giving smiles to those who were so clearly in the same state as I was. 8pm and I was on my first plane to Amsterdam.

Cutest little boy sat beside me.. We talked about ninja turtles then he started puking and didn't stop for nine and a half hours. Yum. I got stuck in Amsterdam for seven hours, then for a little bit longer on the plane. We started off being 15 minutes late boarding, then sat on the runway to 2 or so hours. I started getting anxious as I was due to board a plane to Kilimanjaro an hour after I was scheduled to land in Nairobi.

For those of you who know how anal I am about being on time, you can imagine how crazy I was going when we were just sitting on the tarmac waiting and knowing I was going to miss a flight. We got into Nairobi an hour and a half later than we should have, but my next plane was delayed too. The person sitting in front of me on the flight from Amsterdam happened to be going to Kili to, so we sprinted off the plane, and maneuvered our way through the Nairobi airport.. It for sure looked like we were on the Amazing Race or something. I was pretty pumped. Until we found out we were 15 or so minutes too late and couldn't get on our flight, even though it hadn't left yet. Then it really felt like we were on the Amazing Race. So here I am stuck in Nairobi, until 6pm when the next flight leaves for Kilimanjaro. We got here at 745 am.

Long long long long day.


  1. AHH!! Lindsey this sounds so exciting,I like reading what you write, your voice just fills my head and i can hear you reading, kinda like what happens in the movies when the girls reading a love letter and then guys voice is speaking, ya know? baha miss you heaps already!!!! xoxox brecks.

  2. Hi Lindsey from all your friends and supporters at Summerland Rotary Club. We wish you well and hope that your Africa trip brings you everything you wish for. Ann sent me your note and I have posted your blog address on the club website so our members can get to it easily.
