Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Goodbye Totem!

I had no idea it was so easy to accumulate so much junk. Seriously. It's just kind of pathetic.

Tomorrow is my final exam of first year; I really had no idea eight months could go by so fast. Africa was only a hopeful idea not too long ago, and now it's only 10 days away. This is where I'm starting to get nervous.. There has been so much going on in the last few weeks that my trip has been the last thing on my mind. I feel like leaving for four months should have taken at least a little more preparation and thought. The only somewhat comforting thought about leaving is that I know my mommy will fix anything I've messed up, she always manages to. Weird how mom's just know, hey?

Found out that I won't actually be living in the orphanage while I'm in Arusha; I'll actually be in a base camp house with other volunteers. At first this was a little disappointing because I really wanted the full experience, but then I realized that I am there for four months. A little bit of comfort and a little bit of english will be nice I'm thinking.

The goodbyes started today, to my Loran lover Erica, I will miss you this summer! And to the rest of the UBC Loranians you really missed out on cheesecake on Friday. I can't wait to hear about everyone's summers and hopefully will see you in August at the retreat.

I'm getting anxious about the rest of my goodbye's, it is starting to become real that things will never again be exactly the way they are now. I will miss my little Totem jail cell.. I really will.

I guess life would just be boring if things didn't change.

Okanagan in 2 days, then this journey really begins... As of now all my flights are in the clear. Pinky's crossed no more volcanoes erupt!


  1. So excited to follow your adventure this summer Lindsey! I miss you and the crew so much. Can't wait to catch up and share stories at the retreat! Best of luck in the coming days- you are bound to have an amazing experience :)

  2. We'll see you in July!!

  3. Sorry you had such a rotten flight out to Tanzania. Hope the rest of your experience will be rewarding. We will look forward to news whenever you are able to send any. All the best, John and Ann
