Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Countdown(s) Is/Are On!

Jambo! (my knowledge of Swahili up to this point)

Vaccinations - check
Malaria medication with a possible side effect of severe depression - check
Large and awkward backpack, already filled - check
Worlds largest first aid kit - check
Place ticket and medical insurance - check
Lonely Planet Guide to Tanzania and Swahili phrase book - check

I really shouldn't be doing this yet, the whole start my blog thing. Not with exams so close. But this is all I can think about. Africa. I've only been dreaming about this for 8 years now, I'm about to go through the roof. Excited doesn't begin to explain how I'm feeling. The most amazing thing is after I told my dad I'd meet a nice African man and never come home again, my family has decided to join me/check up on me and my sanity sometime in July!

14 days until I'm home from school.
22 until I'm on the plane heading to Mt Kilimanjaro Airport.
102 nights in Tanzania is just around the corner.

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