Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Back To Business.. Or Just Work

The Final Catchup! Been a busy week, here's what I've been up to!

When we got home on Friday, the house was definitely a little busier. Eight new volunteers had arrived, and settled in, while we were away. It's strange to come 'home' to find brand new faces that are starting to fall into 'your' routines. We were hoping to be perceived as these mystical and oh-so-worldly creatures, but we fooled no one. Delirious from lack of sleep and overall overwhelm-ment of the trip, we must've given a great first impression before we crashed at 8pm.

Saturday was spent at Kigongoni.. A nice way to ease back into life in Arusha; lounging by the pool all day, rehydrating ourselves (try this - beer and sprite, surprisingly delicious). Didn't even burn! Must really be getting the hang of this African sun thing, that or the switch to 45 spf did the trick. Isaac made us a great dinner (we're starting to get more fruit and veggies now!!!) and once again we were the first to bed!

Sunday the gang was heading off for the waterfall hike, and three out of the five of us old timers stayed behind. Meghan, Andrea and I had a great sleep-in and took our time heading downstairs to prepare our breakfast. Good thinking the day before had us pre buy a ton of fruit, so for breakfast was the best fruit salad you'd have ever seen, along with the mandatory and always delicious banana pancakes. They will never get old. After breakfast we strolled down to the Maasai Market to do a little souvenir shopping. I got my aunties their little gifties and bought myself a few paintings. I even had a painting specially done for me, which I picked up on Monday. I am just sooo domestic. After the market we had a few hours to kill; guacamole seemed like the best choice. We walked to the nearby fruit/veggie market and got all the ingredients and enough veggies to make a superb veggie tray. Aside from the pancakes, the day had almost no significant carbs! That was a first for sure. After dinner was all cleaned up, Cassie and I made banana chocolate chip small cake-ies (muffins).

Monday we went to work. It was weird having to go back after taking so much time off. I took one of the new volunteers to Camp Moses with me, as she needed to do her orientation to LOHADA (the 'head office' ... really just mama's desk... is at Camp Moses) before starting work at Camp Joshua. We walked in and Teacher Juliet took me by surprise, asking me to give the orientation.. This was all fine, and I just explained the background of the organization and what their hopes and ambitions are, etc etc. I gave her some information to look over and went to find my little guys. I'd missed Bryson and Joseph!! After a good little catch up (as much as you can with 2 year old Swahili speaking boys), I went back to check on the girl I'd left in the office. We chit chatted a bit until a group of 7 or 8 people came into the office; led by a local but the rest were caucasians. 10 minutes or so after the had arrived, Juliet led them back to my part of the office and said "Oh, this is our Project Co-ordinator, Lindsey!"... this was definitely news to me. But a promotion none the less! Then she went on to say "have a seat, she'll do your orientation". Sweet. We toured around and I did the best I could for this group of Americans. They'd be working with LOHADA for a month or so, splitting time between Moses and Joshua.

Later in the afternoon I went downtown to meet up with Cassie and go to the market to pick up my painting. We had a much needed cool down at Africafe and then headed home. Needless to say, yet another early night!

Tuesday Moses, Nelson and I went to pick up the bread for the orphanages, as Mama Wambura was out of town and no one else, other than Nelson, had a vehicle. After a few wrong turns, where I ended up being right in the first place, we made it to SunKist and picked up the weekly donation of 10 loaves. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, until after dinner. Realizing that we had taken Wednesday off work, we decided to take advantage of the night. We called up our favorite taxi driver and headed to the movies. We saw Shutter Island which is surprisingly good, coming from me who will normally only watch romantic comedies. We made it till 11 o clock or so before calling it a night. Wednesday was going to be our big ICTR girls day!

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